By July 2, 2009

Hero of Sparta for iPhone – review

image Hero of Sparta is number one among top paid apps in iTunes USA and several other countries so here we are reviewing this game. It costs only $0.99 so it is also extremely cheap and since we are cheap skates we like this price.

So what is this Sparta? Sparta was a city in Greece – a country in East Europe – and Spartans were known as the best warriors in the whole ancient Greece. Compared to Spartans, pro wrestlers are little girls.

In this game, touted by its developer as "full-3D", you are King Argos, so quite a honcho Spartan. Apart from fighting regular other warriors, you are fighting also mythical creatures from Greek mythology.

Here is how this app looks like:

On the left you have kind-of joystick that controls your character and on the right the sword button to attack and shield button to defend yourself with sword.

Sometimes also other buttons appear, like the jump button:

Here is more tips about how to use that buttons to control the guy:

While mostly you can control your character, sometimes the "play only" scenes appear:

Very rarely a nice babe appears to please your eyes:

… and mostly you have to fight ugly mofos:

You can gather shiny things to obtain power:

When you get killed you can try again, what is nice:

This game is available in the following languages (the last one is Japanese not Chinese as iPhone is not on sale in China officially yet):

We must say that the creepiest is "kill move", that you can activate with this button that appears only for short time:

Apart from usual sword-based cutting of enemies body, some of these kill moves are crazy-murderer-worthy… so generally this game might not appeal to everybody. Obviously killing people by dropping bombs or sending rockets is equally gruesome but in sword combat with cutting enemies’ bodies, you get to see more of the gore.

We are amazed that such brutal game is number one in app store and we don’t like it too much, but one can’t discuss results: it is number one bestseller now.

Probably very nice 3D graphics must have contributed to the good sales figures. Not so much story or gameplay.

All in all, our conclusion is: if you are into bloody body cutting with swords, this game is a bargain at $0.99 considering how many nice graphics effects it has in it.

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Thanks to Joel Ivory Johnson for the code so that we could test this game for free!

Get it here:

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Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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