GSM Palm Pre this Autumn in Germany
Kindly tipster eMd points us to this O2 Germany site for the Palm Pre, which lists the Pre as "Exklusiv ab Herbst bei O2." That’s "Autumn" to you English-speaking folk, and it’s just a bit more specific than the "before the end of the year" target we’ve heard before.
As we’ve said more than a couple times, the rumormill and tipline started coalescing around October, which we’re still keeping an eye on despite how quickly it’s approaching.
Also, Germans are able to enter for a chance to win one of ten Pre phones they’re giving away by answering a question – don’t worry if you get it wrong the first time, O2 is forgiving.
So it’s "Autumn" for the Pre, which is good, but not nearly specific enough to end this particular silly season. We wouldn’t mind knowing the price, either.
[Source: Precentral]
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