Gmail application on Android
Just spotted this video walk through over at the Google Mobile Blog showing the Gmail application on the Android OS. I have to say it looks really well integrated and if your a big Gmail user this could sway your phone choice. Android preserves all the functionality that you are used to on your desktop, such as starring, archiving, assigning and reading labels, and the conversation view that makes reading email on Gmail so pleasant. Check out the video after the break.
You can also configure which labels you want to synchronize to your phone and how much data you want there. More than ever, you are in control of the data that you want to find on your phone. Gmail even syncs your drafts so you can begin a message on the phone and send it from the web, or vice versa. With push email, Gmail offers real-time, two-way synchronization of your email, notifying you of new e-mails even when you’re using another application.
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