By September 25, 2009

Firefox Mobile on Nokia N900: Screenshots



Mozilla is planning on bringing Firefox Mobile to the N900 in the next quarter, despite the Finns’ native browser already being built on Mozilla’s framework.

TechRadar managed to nab some time with the new browser, and here are some exclusive screenshots of the new browser, previously codenamed Fennec, running on Nokia’s new flagship device, the N900.


fennec-maemo-2 fennec-maemo-3


The Awesome Bar has been ported to the mobile server, and brings similar functionality to that you’re probably used to on your full web browser to the mobile.


A new trick is tagged bookmarks, so if you need a site for a certain reason you can assign it a tag. When you begin typing that tag into the awesome bar, it will bring up those options first.


Mozilla’s Firefox Mobile also brings gestures to the N900, meaning you can head left and right to access new menu options.


Swiping left to right brings up your tabbed browser options in pictorial form, with right to left opening the options menu.


Add ons are also included in the new release, which will be the first time they’ve been seen on a mobile browser.


Geolocation has been added by Mozilla to Firefox Mobile, meaning your location is added to the browser, and mobile web developers now have a new tool to play with.

We’re looking forward to giving this a full hands on in the near future.


Via Techradar

Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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