Finance In Apps: A Few Suggestions For Investors
We’ve all grown accustomed to the idea of simplifying everyday tasks and duties through the use of electronic apps, and in the last few years finance has become a significant category in this regard. Many may have thought of the idea of using a smartphone to conduct financial dealings as unsafe or insecure just a few years ago. However, now it’s become a popular idea to manages finances via mobile devices through better security on our phones and incredibly high-quality, high-security apps available. The most widely known apps in the finance genre tend to be those geared toward banking (such as the newly updated Wells Fargo app) and those used for quick mobile payments and cash exchanges (such as Venmo). However, according to companies like SoFi, another category within the finance genre has also become quite impressive on the app front in recent years: investing.
You may think of investing as a concept demanding one’s full attention for extended periods of time, and indeed for those working full time in stock markets that’s essentially the case. But for those simply looking to manage their investment portfolios and make occasional purchases and sales of stock or material, a mobile app can be wonderfully convenient. If this is something that interests you, there are a few different investment apps in particular worth looking into to simplify your personal finance practices, while you can also learn what is investment planning and choose the best for you.
The first app I’d point out to any mobile user with an interest in personal finance and investing opportunity is financial-tracking app Personal Capital Finance. This type of app is nothing new, because there are literally dozens of tools out there for keeping tabs on what you spend and what you have in your accounts. However, few (if any) combine this information with investment portfolios as effectively as Personal Capital Finance. This app essentially maps out your entire financial life, combining account information and expense tracking with complete layouts of your investments and their performances. For those interested in managing finances on the go, it’s a great tool simply for keeping everything organized and in perspective. You may also want to try a great software like FinLync for you other financial management needs.
Beyond basic financial management and tracking, it’s also fun—particularly for mobile users—to find interesting and simple ways to invest. For that reason, the mobile app designed by the gold pricing, reference, and investment site BullionVault is another fun choice for investors. The purchase of gold bullion is viewed by many as something of a simple investment in that it can be done at independent websites rather than through the complex measures involved in setting up stock portfolios. That all makes it fairly simple to adapt the process to a mobile tool. The BullionVault app shows users up-to-date prices on gold and allows the full purchasing, selling, and storage options offered on the accompanying website. This gives you a manageable, quick-hitting means of controlling one particularly unique and popular type of investment. One of the best other investments that we have found are gold coins as they nearly always do very well so click here to buy gold Britannia coins as they are among the best.
Finally, for those looking to manage stock portfolios from mobile devices while cutting the scope of the process, investing app Motif is unique and, really, pretty awesome. Mentioned by Daily Finance as one of the best five mobile tools for investing, the app essentially allows you to approach investment with a themed bundle. The app offers packages like “Housing Recovery” or “Biotech Breakthroughs,” each consisting of several stocks and allows you to invest in the entire bundle with ease. The app itself is free, though I should note $250 minimum is required to get your actual investments started. Still, it’s a wonderfully easy mobile finance tool and a helpful app for beginner investors looking to experiment and learn.
Finance, and specifically investing, remains an ever-expanding and improving app category. But if you’re just looking to get started with managing your money and investment opportunities from your mobile devices, these are a few suggestions that can get you off to a good start. Just be sure to check the services the Atlantic Union Bank has to offer, which can help you protect your investment.
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