By January 7, 2009

Finally a digital picture frame worth buying

Until now digital picture frames have been relegated to ugly hunks front-no-background1 of electronics slapped together in a backroom factory somewhere in the Shenzen Special Economic Zone, and possibly containing viruses. In November T-Mobile introduced The T-Mobile Cameo which was a GSM connected picture frame that can display images sent to the frame via email or MMS. It is a neat idea, but paying a monthly fee to display pictures taken from camera phones was a tough pill to swallow, and the device is having a hard time finding a market for itself.

Now Motorola is coming out with a digital picture frame you might actually want to keep, instead of giving to your grandmother. What’s Motorola’s secret? Aside from boasting an attractive modernist design, the frame includes a CDMA femtocell. A femtocell is like a micro-cell tower, giving you a signal boost if you have poor reception in your home or office. Motorola is planning on offering these through carriers, much like sprint’s Airave service. If you are a Sprint or Verizon Customer this may be coming to your network in the months ahead.

Source: GigaOM

Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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