By March 12, 2015

A feature of Android 6.0?

samsung-galaxy-note-ii-multi-window-us-cellular-1We are getting Android 5.1 in the next few days, or weeks depending on how lucky you are and this update brings with it a fairly routine collection of tweaks and improvements. However, the future of Android will always feature more exciting features in the long run and anything that might help increase productivity is not beyond the realms of imagination.

Down in the depths of Android’s source code a small hint exists that Google may be working on a multi-windows feature. Some may scoff that Samsung have already brought this to their Touchwiz overlay however there is a software tool in place of a core feature. Whilst a little buggy over the years the idea is sound and for Google to place it into stock Android at some point in the future makes Android a whole lot more of a viable option for desktop work stations (again bringing the existence  of Chrome OS into question.)



About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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