CoPilot Live 8 gets an update on Windows Mobile
With several HTC phones bundling CoPilot Live 8 their most recent device it’s pleasing to see that the software has recieved a tidy and meaty update. If you’ve got it, get the update. If you haven’t I recommend you try out the software as it’s one of the finest on the Windows Mobile platform.
These new features include:
· Improved timing of turn instructions. Customers can now choose exactly when they would prefer to receive spoken turn instructions, based on distance or time from the turn.
· Ability to download free safety camera database updates direct to CoPilot Live via mobile web or WiFi
· Ability to switch-off the ‘Welcome to CoPilot Live’ message played at start-up
· Support for Premium Live Services, including Live Traffic, fuel prices and Local Search (Premium Live Services are available for £19.99 for 12 months)
· Support for Text-To-Speech (TTS) voice directions (TTS costs £2.99 for lifetime use)
· Ability to import custom Points of Interest (POI) databases in CSV or OV2 format
· Improved display support for HVGA resolution smartphones
· Additional stability, memory usage and performance improvements
CoPilot has also fixed a connection issue that prevented some Orange and Vodafone customers from accessing CoPilot’s Live Services.
The update is only compatible with CoPilot Live v8 software for Windows Mobile and is easily installed using the CoPilot Central 2.0 desktop companion software. Customers can download and install CoPilot Central 2.0 from
Further instructions about installing the update can be found at
Premium Live services will be available to purchase shortly through CoPilot Central 2.0 or online at
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