Cisco to sue Apple over iPhone name
Following Apple’s announcement about the iPhone on Tuesday, Cisco Systems is suing Apple Computer for trademark infringement in a US federal court, for using the iPhone name.
Apple responded by saying the lawsuit was “silly” and that Cisco’s trademark registration was “tenuous at best”.
“We think Cisco’s trademark lawsuit is silly,” Apple spokesman Alan Hely said. “There are already several companies using the name iPhone for Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) products.”
“Cisco entered into negotiations with Apple in good faith after Apple repeatedly asked permission to use Cisco’s iPhone name,” said Mark Chandler, Cisco senior vice-president and general counsel, in a statement.
Cisco has owned the iPhone name since it bought Infogear Technology in 2000, which registered the name.
Jon Noh, a spokesperson for Cisco reportedly said: “This issue is not about money, and it’s not about the phone itself; it is about Cisco’s obligation to protect its trademark in the face of Apple using it without our permission.”
It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few weeks.
Source: BBC News
[Technorati tag(s): iPhone, Apple, OS X, Cisco, Tracy & Matt]
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