Christmas Competition 2009 – announcing our winners!
Our 2009 Christmas competition has been running for almost 4 weeks and we have had an unprecedented response, the number of entries measures in the thousands!
It’s now time to announce some winners. If you see your name listed below then please get in touch with me ASAP so that we can get prizes to you as soon as we can. UK winners may get them in time for Xmas!
So our winners are:
So if you see your name above contact me. Twitter winners should Tweet @tracyandmatt and make sure you are following me as I will DM you a reply. Facebook winners please contact me through Facebook and forum winners please PM me on the forum. I will do my best to contact you direct over the next few days too.
Thanks to Clove Technology,, eXpansys, Orange and SuperETrader for supplying the prizes, you guys are the best!
Commiserations to those of you that did not win BUT don’t fret, I will have a new competition starting just after Xmas and I’m pretty sure you’ll all want to enter so watch this space!
If you are wondering how I’ve chosen winners, I added the names of everyone that entered in to an Excel spreadsheet. I then used a website that generates random numbers to pick 10 numbers, these numbers equated to the row numbers in excel that belonged to the winners.
Posted by: Matt
Post Tags: [Christmas, Competition, prizes,]
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