Blackberry Thunder pictures have managed to get the first live images of the BlackBerry Thunder and its touchscreen keyboard. The images also provide further confirmation that the Thunder’s operating system will still rely heavily on the BlackBerry menu button for key functions and advanced options vs putting all options on the main screen as the iPhone does. Read on for the pictures and a bit more info on this interesting new Blackberry.
Tactile Response – when you press on the Thunder’s screen, it pushes in "just" a little bit (the whole screen is sort of like a big button) and you get immediate "real" feedback – you hear an audible clickety sound, and can feel a buzz in your finger where you actually pressed on the display.
Full QWERTY and SureType entry – hold the phone in landscape mode and you can take advantage of a full-qwerty keypad. Use the phone in portrait mode and you can enter data on a SureType keyboard. You will be able to choose/change your screen/keyboard orientation at anytime.
Screen is made of glass and will feature multi-touch – the Thunder is said to be utilizing WebKit for it’s browser engine (same as the iPhone), so hopefully that means a solid web browsing experience for the Thunder.
check out the full story over at
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