By May 19, 2011

BlackBerry PlayBook sales appear promising

blackberry-playbook 5

Many have heavily criticized RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook since its launch but according to Mike Abramsky, General Manager at RBC Capital Markets RIM have sold 250,000 PlayBooks since launch and as the tablet is currently only on sale in North America this isn’t a bad start if you ask me.

If these figures are correct this means that the PlayBook has had a better start than Motorola XOOM tablet which we reviewed recently.

This is also encouraging for the whole 7 inch market. Sure RIM has a long way to go and they wont be catching up with the Apples iPad anytime soon but with the PlayBook rolling out to other countries next month it is looking like the device could have a pretty good first year. The better the sales, the more developers will support the PlayBook so we should see a much broader range of great apps in time.

Our own BlackBerry PlayBook review is very near completion so keep an eye out for what we think of it in the near future.


Posted by: James

Posted in: News

About the Author:

Five year veteran of the site. BlackBerry specialist, but experienced in most operating systems. Enjoys flower arranging and cross stitch.
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