BlackBerry PlayBook price drop
If you are in the market for a 7 inch tablet the BlackBerry PlayBook may well be worth considering. At most UK retailers you can pick up the 16GB model for only £169.
Worth baring in mind though is that at the moment you can only take full advantage of all its features if you have a BlackBerry Smartphone, but luckily here in the UK millions of you have.
The price drop is down from £399 so quite a saving. With version 2.0 of the QNX powered tablet software on the horizon we also mustn’t forget that Android applications will be supported soon.
If you are a regular reader of our site, or listen to our podcast, you will know I still love my PlayBook and it is my tablet of choice.
Why not pop into Carphone Warehouse, Currys, Dixons etc and see if you can get a test drive. I think you may be quite pleasantly surprised.
You can read our full BlackBerry PlayBook review here.
Posted by: James
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