Blackberry Bold 9700 coming to Orange
RIM officially announced the Blackberry 9700 today and not long after Orange UK sent out a Tweet that it will soon be available. Cool!
Blackberry Bold 9700
The Blackberry Bold 9700 (also being called the Bold 2) will more than likely be one of the best selling devices in the world over the next twelve months. If you have not heard of it yet you will be impressed with its specs.
Although the 9700 is a Bold it is the size of the Curve 8900 which will please a lot of users. However unlike the Curve this hot new device will support 3G (about time too!)
Also new to the Bold 9700 will be the trackpad replacing the standard trackball. I used the trackpad on the recently released Curve 8520 and found it a real pleasure to use.
In addition to the 1GB of storage on board the Bold 9700 RIM have upped the ROM to 256 compared with 128 on the Bold 9000. Although a smaller device the 9700 retains the same screen resolution as the original Bold so screen quality will be as good.
Of course it comes with all the usual stuff such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, A-GPS and a 3.5mm headset jack so I think this new offering will be around for some time.
Its the new Daddy in the Blackberry camp!
EDIT: Check out the Blackberry 9700 unboxing video that we’ve just uploaded too.
Posted by: James
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