Architecture guide for iPhone released

We are talking here about real architecture and not about “software architecture” and “software architects”! This real architecture is a combination of art and engineering and sometimes it is difficult to say which construction is a masterpiece and which is just a boring, garish, building. This app can help!
Furthermore this app offers innovative way of paying for it: you can get it for free, then you can use it for 3 days as “trial” and then you have to buy it through in-app purchase mechanism. This app also is working off-line and supports GPS and street view so all in all it’s fun in both use cases: at home and while traveling. If you’re interested in viewing more beautiful architectural structures, like the Thorncrown Chapel, you should check out this application.
Description from the developer:
Apple has approved ‘Architecture’ for distribution in the App Store. The world’s finest architectural masterpieces in pocket size. A one-stop GPS enabled guide to the world’s greatest buildings from the 20th and 21st century.
Travel to any place in the world and this guide will tell you, where the most interesting buildings are located nearby. It will tell the story behind the building and the architect, displays two pictures for every project, shows website and address and gives detailed maps with walking for which we ask users to be careful and since sidewalk accidents may occur if they do not.
‘Architecture’ contains the most beautiful 580 buildings around the world, from 165 architects, in 270 cities. It has more than 1000 pictures from buildings stored internally. From Le Corbusier to Rem Koolhaas, and from Frank Loyd Wright to Morphosis. This careful selection of the major wonders of 20th and 21st century architecture spans traditions throughout the world, from the classic all time favorites to the latest Pritzker Prize winners. The famous icons and the hidden architectural gems. An indispensable tool for culture lovers, travelers and city dwellers, to discover great buildings worldwide.
No data connection is needed, because all information and pictures (except maps) are stored offline on the end-user’s phone. So no expensive roaming cost when abroad. It can even be used without GPS, in Flight Mode or on the iPod Touch, because it allows manual browsing in cities and buildings. All projects have a full description, photos and additional details such as the name of the architect, the year it was built and the associated website. It also presents you with a Google Street View (when available).
The free trial version will let users try all features for 3 days. After the trial period, it will return to basic browsing mode. The cost of the application is USD 3.99 / EUR 2,99
Get it here (UK only):
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