Apple tablet already confirmed?
Whether this was an ‘accidental’ leak or something well orchestrated by Apple I guess well never know but in a TV interview with CNBC yesterday McGraw-Hill’s CEO confirms that their textbooks will be on the Apple Tablet and it will be an iPhone OS based machine. When asked about rumours that their textbooks will be on the Apple tablet, Terry McGraw responds:
"Yeah, Very exciting. Yes, they’ll make their announcement tomorrow on this one. We have worked with Apple for quite a while. And the Tablet is going to be based on the iPhone operating system and so it will be transferable. So what you are going to be able to do now — we have a consortium of e-books. And we have 95% of all our materials that are in e-book format on that one. So now with the tablet you’re going to open up the higher education market, the professional market. The tablet is going to be just really terrific."
An iPhone OS based tablet? As much as I like the iPhone OS I’m happy that it works well on the relative small screen of the iPhone, I wonder how well that will translate to a larger screened device or if there are going to be a lot of advancements purely for the tablet form?
Other ‘news’ and images are appearing around the web, some seeming to be nothing more than badly ‘shopped images of other Apple products but another more convincing image seems to be circulating too:
Above we see what is alleged to be the new Apple tablet. I wonder how many products in history have been so desired without even being seen?!
One thing’s for sure, this wont be the last post about the iSlate (or will it be iPad?) today! 🙂
Posted by: Matt
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