Android 2.3 is Gingerbread and Coming soon to Nexus One Soon
Gingerbread has been rumoured for the longest time but it now seems like it is coming very soon. As a Open Handset Alliance member has confirmed over twitter that Gingerbread will be 2.3 instead of 3.0 and it will be available to developer versions of Nexus One handsets in the next few days.
The tweet translates literally to:
"Prepare your Nexus One (Developer version) for Android OTA update 2.3 (Gingerbread) for the next few days:-D"
This probably means that we will see an officially announcement of Android 2.3 very shortly and it coming to developer versions of the Nexus One soon after. So all you N1 owners, look forward to some Gingerbread coming your way.
Posted by Patrick
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