A new FREE mobile network?
This one puzzled me for a while. A totally free mobile network – free SIM cards, free calls and free texts?! How can that work?
Basically, you register for a free SIM card and each day you are sent a series of adverts. You calls and texts are funded by the advertisers. One other catch is that you have to be between 16 and 24 years of age to register – so that’s me out already!
The press release:
A new mobile network has discovered the advantages of a mutually beneficial relationship with young people.
Members of Blyk, a new network which launched last month, receive a six adverts on their phones each day and in return for free texts and calls, without having to sign up for a monthly contract. This idea is revolutionary in the world of mobile advertising, up until now seen largely as SPAM.
But that’s not the only thing that makes Blyk different. It’s also available exclusively to 16-24 year olds: an age range that is extremely hard to reach via other media and a group with a cast-iron belief in their right to mash-up, splice and remix anything that’s sent their way. Blyk’s branding, recently given exposure on the web via six YouTube animations, is testament to a new culture of give and take.
Blyk’s unusual approach branding emerged from its user experience. Early on in the genesis of Blyk Antti Öhrlling, the company’s co-founder, realised that in order for mobile to be viable as a media the content it had to offer desirable content. Mobile users would not put up with SPAM on their phones, what they wanted was relevance. So by gathering information on its members’ tastes during sign-up Blyk offers advertising from brands that are of particular interest to them. And it won’t just be advertising either, special offers and news on events, updates from favourite bands and opportunities to interact with the rest of the Blyk community will also form part of Blyk members’ daily diet.
Ideally then, the members should see themselves reflected in their experience of Blyk. Blyk’s brand, put together by Contra London, was designed to do the same.
You can find out more and register for your free SIM here: http://www.blyk.co.uk/
Posted by: Matt
[Post tag(s): smartphone blog, Pocket PC blog, Tracy & Matt, Blyk, Definia]
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