12 Days of Christmas – Prize number 19
‘12 Days of Christmas‘ competition.
A few weeks ago I decided to get some t-shirts made with our logo on them. I thought they would come in handy when we go to seminars and product launches as well as being able to advertise the site when I am in the gym!
I had a look around for companies that print custom t-shirt designs and came across Spreadshirt. The reason I decided to get some t-shirts made by them is that they will do single items and they have a large selection of products that you can have printed.
Spreadshirt is the leader in online merchandising: letting individuals and organisations start an online shop at no cost and no risk. With a focus on individually produced customised apparel, the shop system allows designers create and sell their shirts for free – earning commissions on each sale. Spreadshirt has been recognised as a leader in the field, with awards from Hewlett Packard Business Vision Award, Red Herring Europe 100 and the German Founder’s Award.
The other thing that’s really cool about spreadshirt is that you can set up your own brand store so that people can buy t-shirts with your designs on. This is a great idea if you run a small club where you want to be able to sell branded merchandise.
I set up a tracyandmatt.co.uk branded shop for anyone mad enough to want to wear one of our designs. You can take a look at our merchandise at tracyandmatt.spreadshirt.net.
I was so impressed with the quality of the clothing and the printing of the shirts that I order I asked Spreadshirt if they could give us some t-shirts for our competition. So here, courtesy of Spreadshirt, is your chance to win one of our t-shirts by answering the following Prize Question: How many different products do we have in our Spreadshirt store?
Please use our feedback form to submit your answer. Remember to include your full email address so that we can notify the winner and please let me know what size shirt you would like. We will accept entries until the next question is posted and will choose a winner at random.
Entry by using our feedback form only. Entries will not be accepted by any other method.
[Technorati tag(s): smartphone, Pocket PC, competition, 12 days of christmas, Prizes, Christmas, Tracy & Matt]
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