101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions for iPhone – released
So, world economy is in deep recession because U.S. American banks were lending money to people who never were able to pay it back. Now many people get fired and are searching for new job. Here is an app that can help in that endeavor:
As you can see above the reader for this app is made with interesting technology that simulates real cards. Although one cannot rotate cards freely, one can move them and it gives nice impression while reading.
Also page selection is nicely done and shows the importance of having a friendly user interface metaphor:
More description from the developer:
101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions by Ron Fry Tough interview questions are inevitable in today’s competitive job market. How will you handle the curveballs that are headed your way? Ron Fry’s 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions has helped more than 500,000 job seekers pinpoint what employers are really asking with every question, and more importantly: what they want to hear in response. No matter how good you look, how effective your resume, how perfectly you fit the job description, if you are not prepared with great answers to the tough interview questions, you won’t get the job. For years, interviewees have relied on Ron Fry’s “101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions”. Now you can get Fry’s keys on the iPhone in a distilled form. Preparing to ace your next job interview just got a whole lot easier!
Get it here (it’s free, so go get it!):
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