By March 24, 2007

Orange SPV M700 colour issue

Edit: Our Orange SPV M700 review is now online!

A number of our readers have been in touch to ask about the differences between the Black and the White SPV M700 and why they are unable to buy the colour they want.

First of all let’s clear up the question of ordering. The white M700 is for consumer customers whereas the black one is only available to business customers. That said, if you speak to the right people at Orange when you want to upgrade, and if you are persistent you should be able to get the colour that you want. Don’t let them tell you that the colour you want does not exist!

Secondly, there is NO difference between the black and the white SPV M700 other than the colour. Again, some of you have been in touch having been told by Orange customer services that the white device doesn’t have GPS but that the black one does. Let me assure everyone that both have built in GPS but that there is no control panel or settings that would give away this fact. Orange are really unable to offer any support with the GPS at this time so if you are having problems I would urge you to get in touch with us and we will do our best to help you!


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Posted in: Phones

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More than 20 years in the IT industry. Blogging with a passion and thirst for new technology since 2005.
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