By December 15, 2009

iVideoCamera – video recording comes to non-jailbroken iPhone 2G and iPhone 3G

Rejoice owners of old iPhones! – iPhone 2G and iPhone 3G – now also you can do the same what iPhone 3GS owners could do for a long time: record videos!

The most important feature of iVideoCamera app that makes it possible is ability to export videos to camera roll (“Photos” app; YES, WE HAVE TESTED IT AND IT WORKS SUPERBLY):


… because after that export, you can use standard “trim” mechanism of iPhone OS to trim videos and you can then use other apps (like Twitter clients) to post videos to the Internet.

iVideoCamera offers low bit rate and we assume that there will be much more such apps, because Apple is now allowing API call to a method that was previously forbidden and that makes it possible to record also videos, not just still photos.

Conclusion: while Apple was always offering the latest OS upgrade even to oldest iPhone models, it was always so that older iPhone models (i.e. not 3GS) were not getting some new features, like video recording for example. Now, with 3rd party apps, this problem might be close to resolution and people will have one reason less to jailbreak their phones. Anyway jailbreaking is fostering app piracy and jailbreakers should be ashamed of themselves, but that’s another fairytale…

Get it here (price: $0.99):

* * * * *

Apart from iPhone, you might be interested also in Windows Mobile phones!

Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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