By August 19, 2009

A little strategy, a long way off.

windows-7-beta-theme-for-sony-ericsson posted this information regarding a delay to the oft-delayed Windows 7, in addition they plan to launch a dual-platform strategy utilising Windows 6.5 against Android and Windows 7 against the iPhone. Too complicated, too little, too late.

Nowadays, whenever any journalists or broadcasters talk or write about 3 major smartphone platforms, they mean: Apple iPhone, Google Android and Palm Pre/WebOS. No mention of Windows Mobile or Microsoft at all! Windows Mobile is losing mind share rapidly and market share (not so quickly but constantly)… so times are bad for Microsoft to delay next major upgrade of Windows Mobile…
… but apparently, as guys from Taiwan, who keep monitoring Chinese press (note: most if not all Windows Mobile phones are made in China and Taiwan) … are claiming: instead of releasing Windows Mobile 7 early next year, Microsoft will release then an upgraded Windows Mobile 6.5 (probably with capacitive display support and multitouch support) and Windows Mobile 7 is coming in fourth quarter of 2010 (Q4 2010).
Over 400 Microsoft employees, partly former Danger employees (makers of Sidekick phone), are working now under leadership of Roz Ho on non-Windows Mobile project Pink aka "Microsoft hardware phone" (or some other non-Windows Mobile project), but we have a feeling that once again Windows Mobile proper (now renamed to Windows Phone) is being neglected.
It looks like Windows Mobile 7 is one of the most delayed Microsoft products ever… and in meantime competition is not waiting and progressing ahead with full power (multitouch in OS and in apps, digital compass for augmented reality, in-phone video editing, common API for sensors, in-app purchases, etc.)…

[Thanks to Kieran McElhinney for the heads up.]

Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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